Gluten-Free Never Tasted So Good!
Gluten-free is not just a diet craze.
According to the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, about 1% of the U.S. population has celiac disease. For these individuals, staying gluten-free is a matter of life and death.
The rest of the population who are going on a gluten-free diet are doing so because they may be gluten sensitive or simply want to cut the amount of gluten foods they eat. Removing gluten from one’s diet may benefit some more than others.
In a recent article in CNN.com by Dr. Arthur Agatson, author of The South Beach Diet Gluten Solution, he declares that “as a society, we are in a state of ‘gluten overload,’ and millions of people of all ages and all walks of life are suffering as a result of a condition that was recognized only a few years ago, called gluten sensitivity.” [To view the complete article, please click here.]
One common complaint by many who have decided to try being gluten-free is the lack of taste in gluten-free dishes. At Iron Cactus, its gluten-free menu includes dishes that even the non-gluten-free guest would find delicious.
“We want to ensure that our gluten-free guests are able to experience the same tasty dishes that we create for our non-gluten-free guests, “said Iron Cactus Executive Chef Jaime Chozet. “Our gluten-free menu includes appetizers, entrées and desserts.”
The stacked pork enchiladas is one of the many gluten-free menu items at Iron Cactus.
Iron Cactus has been serving gluten-free dishes since 2008, years before other restaurants started to offer it.
So if you’re gluten-free, be sure to check out our gluten-free menu the next time you visit Iron Cactus.