Be A Star
Be a Star in the next Iron Cactus Commercial!!
Ever dreamed about being marginally famous? Now’s your chance! Iron Cactus is doing a commercial and we’re asking for your help. Yes, you, reading this blog. If you’re reading this post, you’re worthy of a starring role!
Just like our food, we’re trying something a little different. Iron Cactus is a unique dining experience that attracts unique people like yourself – people passionate about our food. That’s kind of our thing. Well…that, and tequila. Oh…and our happy hour…you get the point. So, we wondered, why not celebrate these unique people by putting them in our commercial?
This is where you, reader and presumed eater/drinker, come in. Come into any Iron Cactus with your friends and enjoy your favorite food and drinks, as per usual. This time, though, record it. Take pictures or get it on video, the weirder, happier and more delicious, the better. Go nuts, whatever you want. Then email us your collected works of art at BeOnTV@ironcactus.com.
That’s it. Sit back and wait as the trappings of fame gradually overwhelm your life and your only solace is lobster tacos and happy hour margaritas, which isn’t really so bad, if you think about it.